Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Owl Bookend

Here's a very easy crafty project. I made these owl bookends for my bff's baby room. Here's how:

I drew a picture of an owl, made sure it was symmetrical, and cut out the yellow fabric with the pattern. I then added green felt wings and eyeballs, black circle eyes, an orange felt beak, and a belly.

Using the same owl template, I cut out the tree fabric (from the belly) for the owl's back:

With right sides together, I sewed the owl up, leaving a good 3 inch hole at the top of his head. I filled him up with rice* (cup and a half-ish) and some poly-fill, till he was nice and fat. *The rice helps the owl stand up and weighs him down to make a more useful bookend. I then stitched the hole up by hand.

The owl matches the bunting that I made for bff's baby room as well:
This is in my sewing room. It looks so cute hung up in the baby room. 

Hoot hoot!

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