Sunday, October 14, 2012

Scrappy the Fish

My BFF is having a bebe, so I wanted to make a stuffed animal. I used a bunch of scrap materials, and so that is why he is called Scrappy the Fish!

I sewed a bunch of varied size and texture strips of fabric and did two different color schemes-

Oranges, yellows and greens...

...and pinks, blues, and greys.
I made a big construction paper cut-out of a fish (you could do lots of other animals too), placed it over the sewed together scraps, and snip snip snip.

I added little smiley faces on each side of Scrappy, and some felt eyes.

Then, I sewed together the fish, right side together, leaving a gap in the tail so you can fill the fish up with stuffing.
Scrappy Guts
Last, I zig-zag stitched the tail closed.

Scrappy likes to look out the window.

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